ࡱ> rvqy 0bjbj## *tA_A_ \ \ 8;4o\*"*******-/***:**%0c'GV&$o**0*'Hx0x0Hc'c'x0s(***x0\ Y :   Interdisciplinary major: Theology & Psychology (C25 and beyond) Liberal Arts Core Semester CompletedWR 100 Effective Writing History 100 LevelEN 101 The Art of ReadingHistory 200-level OR English 200-level Foreign Language Intermediate II Level (104 level)*PY 101 Introductory PsychologyPY 200-level course (excluding PY291 or PY292)Fine Arts (1 Course from AH 109, AH 110, AH 111, DR 250, DR 251, DR 252, MU 201, MU 202, MU 203, MU 204, PT 270, SA 224, or SA 227)ST 110 or ST 265 or ST 210 (Take Freshman year)BL 105 or BL 121Math/Science (CS 106 recommended)PL 201 Foundations of PhilosophyTH 201 Theology MattersPL 202299 OR TH 202299**Ethics: PL 300319 (If student took TH 202 299 for #14) TH 300319 (If student took PL 202 299 for #14)  Diversity Course*** *Students who place higher than the 104 level on Loyolas foreign language placement exam may be exempt from the foreign language core requirement, pending confirmation from Loyolas Modern Language department after a proctored on-site placement exam. Those students will need to complete 1 additional free elective in lieu of the foreign language core. **Students who take a 200-level Core in Theology must take an Ethics Core in Philosophy, and students who take a 200-level Core in Philosophy must take an Ethics Core in Theology. Honors Program students may take an upper-level theology seminar (TH 320 and above) after completing HN 201. ***The Diversity course requirement may simultaneously fulfill a Core, Major, Minor or Elective requirement. The Diversity course may be taught in any discipline. The Diversity course must be taken at Loyola. Theology & PsychologySemester CompletedTH 202299; or TH 300399TH 202299; or TH 300399TH 300399TH 300399TH 300399TH 400 Senior CapstonePY 291 Research Methods I (with lab)PY 292 Research Methods II (with lab)200- or 300-level PY course chosen with guidance of the academic advisor200- or 300-level PY course chosen with guidance of the academic advisor200- or 300-level PY course chosen with guidance of the academic advisor200- or 300-level PY course chosen with guidance of the academic advisorOne mastery (PY 400-level) course *Students must also take PY 200 Professional Development in PY (1 cr.)^^ ^ can be fulfilled with credits or a course     %/0@ABCTU      " # % ' , . : < A B C D j o u v w x y z ϪφϪ}h [h$CJ hRCJhl|hl|CJh,dh,d56CJ\] hCJ h,dCJ hKCCJhj h~CJaJh^yCJaJ h~CJ hCJ hllCJh~56CJ h~5 hs*hs*h<hyhhs*h~10BCUqd  & F $Ifgd0wkd$$Ifl40:sU&90(4 laf4ytH $$Ifa$$Ifgds* ~x$If  & F $Ifvkd$$Ifl0:sU&90(4 laytH  ~x$If  & F $Ifvkd*$$Iflp0:sU&90(4 laytH  B C ~x$If  & F $Ifvkd$$Iflp0:sU&90(4 laytHC D x y {u$If  & F $Ifgdl|vkdX$$Iflp0:sU&90(4 laytHy z ~x$If  & F $Ifvkd$$Iflp0:sU&90(4 laytH N O P Q R m       ) M N xh'56\]h,h'56\]hvh'56CJ\]hH hHCJh$6CJ]h [h$6CJ]h' h'CJh [h$6hM.hVqCJ hVqCJhm,hm,CJ hm,CJh [h$CJh~ h~CJ/ ~x$If  & F $Ifvkd$$Ifl"0:sU&90(4 layt$ P Q {u$If  & F $IfgdLvkd$$Ifl0:sU&90(4 layt$Q R ~x$If  & F $Ifvkd$$Ifl!0:sU&90(4 laytVq {r $Ifgd'  & F $Ifgd'vkdK$$Iflp0:sU&90(4 laytH {r $Ifgd`  & F $IfgdHvkd$$Iflp0:sU&90(4 laytH {r $Ifgd'  & F $Ifgd'vkdy$$Iflp0:sU&90(4 laytH {r $Ifgd'  & F $Ifgd'vkd$$Iflp0:sU&90(4 laytH   {r $Ifgd'  & F $Ifgd'vkd$$Iflp0:sU&90(4 laytH   P {naaX $Ifgd' h$If^hgd' h$If^hgd'  & F $Ifgd'vkd>$$Iflp0:sU&90(4 laytHN O P [  R {    $%&()R落|soookkgchs*h$hhllh'h~CJh (h'5CJh (h'CJh'5CJ\h (h'5CJ\ hvh'h (hpCJh (hp5CJ\ h~>* h'CJh'56CJ\]h (h'56CJ\]h (h'CJh'h,h'56\]&  $Ifgd'vkd$$Iflr0:sU&90(4 laytH   &zugd'dgd'gdpvkdl $$Iflp0:sU&90(4 laytH  ()*01?@CDEFLM[\_`abdehilmnouvyz{|οοȹοΪ hvCJ h hv h hHh$h'"h~CJ h^0CJ h'"CJhvh~CJ hCJ hnjCJ h~CJ h~6CJhY(56CJhs*56CJh~56CJh~9)*DE~t  & F $Ifokd $$Ifl0:uU&;0(4 laytv $$Ifa$$IfEF`az $$Ifa$  & F $Ifqkd $$Iflp0:uU&;0(4 laytvabmnz $$Ifa$  & F $Ifqkd' $$Iflp0:uU&;0(4 laytvnoz{z $$Ifa$  & F $Ifqkd $$Iflp0:uU&;0(4 laytv{|w $$Ifa$  & F $Ifgd'"qkdU $$Iflp0:uU&;0(4 laytvz $$Ifa$  & F $Ifqkd $$IflF0:uU&;0(4 layt/9w $$Ifa$ & F $Ifgd$qkd $$Ifl+0:uU&;0(4 layt$w $$Ifa$ & F $Ifgd qkd$$IflX0:uU&;0(4 layt$9:;<?@R>?X˸֣֯ڣ֔hll hllCJh$h!CJ h!CJ hCJh$h$CJh$h~CJaJhCJaJh$h$CJaJh~ h~CJ h9h~ hvCJ h hvhh$hv8:;w $$Ifa$ & F $Ifgd qkd$$Iflp0:uU&;0(4 laytv;<w $$Ifa$ & F $Ifgd9qkdH$$IflA0:uU&;0(4 layt$z$If  & F $Ifgd$qkd$$Ifl/0:uU&;0(4 layt$z$If  & F $Ifgd$qkdv$$Ifl/0:uU&;0(4 layt$?vp$If h$If^hgd! 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