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Stipends for Summer Study Programs

This program offers grants up to $5,000 for students to participate in a Summer Study Program in the humanities. The Center funds no more than a combined total of ten Student Summer Study Grants and Student Summer Fellowships per year.


  • Any full-time undergraduate may apply in his or her freshmen, sophomore, or junior year. Graduating seniors are not eligible.
  • The program ought to offer a unique opportunity not otherwise available to the student through Loyola offerings.
  • The student may not count the program for credit toward graduation at Loyola.

Standards for Proposals

Proposals will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • The quality of the program;
  • The quality of the proposal, including its general conception, its organization, its clarity;
  • The student's ability and qualifications and the promise of the student to benefit from the program; 
  • The nature of the program's contribution to the student's education; and
  • The testimony of the faculty member's letter of recommendation.


The student proposal should be a typed, double-spaced document of 1,000 words or less (about four pages) which should include the following:

  • The application cover page
  • The name, location, and a description of the program, including costs associated with participation in it;
  • How the student will benefit by the program, including a description of how the program will supplement, or how it relates to, the student's studies at Loyola;
  • How the student will finance that portion of costs associated with participating in the program not covered by the Center's grant (if applicable). Examples might include the cost of airfare, room and board, etc.; and
  • At least one letter of recommendation from a faculty member (750 words maximum) attesting to the student's preparedness for the program, and his or her ability to benefit from it.

Final Reports

  • A final report should be submitted within 30 days of completing the program, in which the student discusses both the positive and negative aspects of having participated in the program.
  • Students are also expected to make a brief oral presentation and create a poster summarizing their summer's work at Celebrate the Humanities! or a similar Center for the Humanities event occurring in early fall.
  • Students are required to attend a Zoom workshop in late summer to rehearse and refine their presentations and posters.


For inquiries and support, please contact the Student Grants Coordinator, Dr. Brett Butler, bhbutler@loyola.edu

Proposals must be submitted electronically to the Program Assistant esgarrett@loyola.edu by the last working day of February.

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Bess Garrett
Program Assistant

Dr. Peggy O'Neill