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Undergraduate Billing FAQs

How do I receive my bill and when is it due?

The Student Administrative Services Office (SAS) uses a paperless billing system. Students can access their account through Loyola’s self-service portal, WebAdvisor > Financial Information > View Account & Make Payments. Parents, guardians, and third-party bill payers may access billing and payment information only if their student has first granted access through the proxy process.

Bills are due in early August for the fall semester and early January for the spring semester.

Why is my financial aid in a Pending status on financial aid self-service?

Federal direct subsidized and unsubsidized loans and federal work-study will remain in a Pending status until the student accepts or declines the aid through the My Financial Aid tab in financial aid self-service. Once accepted or declined, the status will be updated accordingly. Accepted direct loans also require completion of a Master Promissory Note (MPN) and Entrance Counseling before the proceeds can be credited to your student account. You can view the status of these requirements on your Checklist in financial aid self-service.

Why is my financial aid in a Hold status on financial aid self-service?

Financial aid is typically put in a Hold status because the Office of Financial Aid needs additional information. It is best to contact the office directly to determine why your aid is on hold. Financial aid in a Hold status will not be credited to your student account.

How do I access the Master Promissory Note (MPN) and Entrance Counseling?

You can access the Master Promissory Note (MPN) and Entrance Counseling by clicking on the links in your Checklist in financial aid self-service, or you can access them via the .

How does my financial aid get credited to my student account?

The Student Administrative Services Office (SAS) credits financial aid that has an action status of Accepted (excluding work-study) to your student account; half for the fall semester and half for the spring semester.

If my student account shows that I have a credit balance, when will I receive my refund check?

The Student Administrative Services Office (SAS) will automatically mail or direct deposit credit balance refunds 14 days after the semester begins for undergraduate students.