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Collection of Federal Tax Return Information

In addition to the FAFSA, some students may be required to provide documentation to verify financial information. Situations of when this would likely occur include, but are not limited to:

  • the family did not utilize the Data Retrieval Tool (DRT) when completing the FAFSA
  • the family reports a negative adjusted gross income
  • the family requests special or unique circumstances considerations
  • FAFSA application selected for federal verification.

Loyola utilizes the College Board's Institutional Documentation Service, known as IDOC, to receive and process income and financial documents. You will be notified by both the Office of Financial Aid and the College Board if/when we need these documents.  Please note that this process is separate from the federal verification processFor those families selected, the IDOC process works as follows:

Spring Admission Applicants
  1. Shortly after submitting your completed 2021-22 Profile Application, the College Board will send you a communication (via the email address provided by the student/parent on the Profile Application) which outlines the procedure for submitting your and your parents' 2019 Federal Tax Returns to their processing center.
  2. The communication will include a link () which provides instructions to electronically upload your tax return documents. Upload signed copies of your and your parents' entire 2019 Federal Tax Return Form 1040. Include all pages, all schedules, all W-2s and 1099 forms. 

    Upload all tax return documents at one time; do not upload portions of tax returns multiple times. If you are unable to upload your documents to the IDOC website, you can submit hard copies by mail instead. Since it may take longer to process if you choose to mail them, we recommend that you submit your documents electronically   
         * Do not upload federal tax returns for any calendar year other than 2019
         * Do not upload state tax returns.

    If you or your parents file an Income Tax Return in a country other than the United States, you must submit a translated copy of your foreign tax return with reported income information converted into U.S. dollars.

  3. After the College Board receives your tax return information, the documents will be scanned and the resulting images will be made available to Loyola's Office of Financial Aid at a secured website that is accessible only by our financial aid staff.  You will be able to check the College Board's website at  to verify that your tax return information has been processed and forwarded to Loyola. Please be assured that your tax return data and images will be stored in a secure environment. 

    Please monitor your IDOC student portal for notifications and important messages about the processing status of your family's documents at and click on the "Log into IDOC " button.
    If you have questions about IDOC, including how to navigate the website, please access the Frequently Asked Questions in the student portal, accessible after signing into the IDOC website.  You may also contact the College Board at 1-866-897-9881 or e-mail your inquiry to help@cssprofile.org.