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Communication and Media, Advertising/Public Relations Specialization, BA

This specialization prepares students to promote clients in the business world within agency or corporate settings. Job roles include advertising account executive, advertising media manager, public relations director, media director for a political campaign, and marketing consultant. This curricular specialization includes learning experiences in writing, analysis of case studies, management, and campaigns.

Requirements for the Major (13 courses/39 credit hours)

A. Introductory Courses: 
All Communication and Media majors with a specialization in Advertising/PR  are required to take the following four courses, normally completed by the end of sophomore year: 

  • CM 201 -   Media Writing
  • CM 202 – Digital Tools
  • CM 203 – Introduction to Communication
  • CM 307 – Fundamentals of Advertising & Public Relations

Note: If a student adds another specialization, especially journalism or digital media, they will need to take CM308: Multimedia Storytelling as 5th introductory course. 

B. Intermediate Courses:

Majors must take a combination of eight 300- and 400-level communication courses, one of which must be a diversity-Justice (DJ) designated communication and media course, and at least three courses in Advertising/Public Relations specialization. Majors may choose a second specialization. 

  • B.1: Specialization Courses (3 courses/9 credit hours): Students specializing in Advertising/Public Relations can select 3 courses from the following options: 
  • CM 303 - Media Ethics
  • CM 314 -  Communication Research
  • CM 322 - Graphics I
  • CM 341-   Global Trends in Social Marketing
  • CM 346 - International Communication
  • CM 348 - Posters! A History of Art and Persuasion 
  • CM 350 - Advertising Copy Writing 
  • CM 352 - Graphics II 
  • CM 354 - Writing for Public Relations 
  • CM 355 - Advertising Management 
  • CM 356 - Case Studies in Public Relations 
  • CM 357 - Seminar in Public Relations and Ad Specialties: Special Topics 
  • CM 358 - Social Media Strategies 
  • CM 359 - Advertising Culture and Identity 
  • CM 376 - Media Training 
  • CM 377 - Media Relations 
  • CM 384 - Book Marketing and Promotion 
  • CM 386 - Health Communication 
  •  B.2: CM Elective Courses (5 courses/15 credit hours):

Communication and Media majors with one specialization need to take five 300-level CM courses from any area of specialization (including more courses from their area of specialization). Also, a 3-credit internship course (CM420) can be counted as an elective (students are allowed to use a maximum 6 credit hours for internship). 

Students pursuing a double specialization in communication and media may need to take 1 – 2 CM elective course. Students with journalism and digital media will need to complete 2 CM elective courses. Students with Ad/PR and digital media or journalism specializations will need to complete only 1 CM elective course.

C. Senior Capstone Course: Students must take one senior capstone course from the following two options:

  • CM 403 - Senior Capstone in Advertising
  • CM 404 - Senior Capstone in Public Relations

 Note: CM majors with a double specialization may have more capstone options, especially CM400: Senior Capstone in Multimedia Journalism or CM401: Senior Capstone in Digital Media