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A Future in Computer Science

In the Washington-Baltimore area, with its wealth of governmental and corporate employers, computer science graduates have no problems finding interesting employment. Below are some examples of what our alumni do. Also be sure to visit The Career Center website for more information on examples of internships, possible career fields, important skills and abilities, and web resources.

Work in Exciting Positions

With their excellent communication skills from their liberal arts education and a broad grounding in science from their ABET-accredited computer science program, our majors are well-regarded by employers and land jobs at significant companies, including Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Booz-Allen Hamilton, Dow Jones, UPS, IBM, Accenture, Bell Atlantic, AAI Corporation, AT&T, BG&E, Dickerson-Heffner, and Computer Sciences Corp.

Take Advantage of the Baltimore/Washington Area

Anchored as it is by an alphabet soup of governmental agencies, the Baltimore/Washington area has robust high-technology employment both inside and outside of government. Our majors often do internships locally before graduation. Our graduates work at the National Security Agency (NSA), Defense Department (DoD), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). In past internships, a student worked on software support for a NASA satellite system, another led a cyber-terrorist defense group, and others worked on advanced DNA matching software.

Go to Graduate School

Our program has had success in fostering student achievement in research, with many supported for research work by faculty grants and some publishing in the scientific literature before graduation. Recent graduates have gone on to pursue graduate degrees and do well at Virginia Tech, Iowa State, Georgia Tech, Johns Hopkins, and  University of Maryland-College Park. Three recent graduates have started as faculty members at the University of Notre Dame, University of Buffalo, and the University of Iowa.

Do Anything You Want

Our majors have gone on to fly helicopters for the Air Force, join the Peace Corps to teach in African schools, serve as executive director of a software advocacy group, design art work for computer games, provide system administration support at an art school, and teach in local schools. Law school, medical school, business school, starting your own business—all remain an option on graduation. While technical, a computer science degree from Loyola provides strong general skills in problem solving that apply to any field.