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Study Abroad

Modern Languages and Literatures strongly urges all students, regardless of major and minor, to consider study abroad. If you are interested, just follow these simple steps. First, decide where you would like to go and when. If you have studied a language and like it, you might want to consider going to the country of that language.  Second, speak with your faculty advisor and schedule an appointment with the International Programs office. They can help you plan your program to make sure you have all your requirements taken care of, regardless of your major. If you are a language major or minor, You may take a maximum of 50% of your major or minor courses abroad (three toward a minor, six toward a major). Also, majors and minors studying abroad must take one 300-level course in the department of the language of the major or minor upon their return to Loyola.


Beijing National StadiumLoyola offers a study abroad program in Beijing, China, at the Beijing Center, located at the University of International Business and Economics. The program can be for either fall, spring or summer semesters or for a full academic year. Housing is at the university and there is a Jesuit from the Jesuit Consortium who lives there. The program can be designed for several majors. All courses are taught in English except for Chinese language courses. A Chinese language course is required. Students who are fluent in Chinese do not need to take a language course. The cost is equivalent to Loyola's tuition and housing. Learn more about the Beijing program.

Photo: Beijing National Stadium


Ethan in La RochelleStudents can go to Montpellier for the summer or the academic year. The great thing is that you can take your Loyola scholarship with you. Study will be at the Université Paul Valéry. This exchange includes airfare and various other items such as an initial, month-long intensive French course. All students must have completed intermediate French at Loyola. Housing can be on campus, in town apartments, or with local families. Learn more about the Montpellier program.

Loyola is pleased to announce a new study abroad program offered in the beautiful city of Lyon, France. Located near the Swiss border at the junction of the Rhone and the Saone Rivers, the city of Lyon has been a thriving economic center since antiquity. It is often considered the culinary capital of France. With 505,100 inhabitants, Lyon serves a population of more than 160,000 students. Half-way between Paris and the French Riviera, it is also well-known for its medical schools, research centers, various industries and pleasant location near the Alps. Lyon is also served by the international Saint-Exupery Airport and the fast train TGV line. This program will enable Loyola students to take many business courses and some Humanities courses in English with French and international students in an international environment. Lectures are taught almost exclusively in English by native speakers with strong academic backgrounds and industry experience. All Loyola students are required to take one French course. Students will live in dormitories near their school or downtown Lyon. Learn more about the Lyon program.

Image: La Rochelle


Berlin is an exchange program Loyola offers to students of German. Berlin is a dynamic and diverse European city rich in culture and history. Its prominence as a relevant historic site, especially in regard to Germany’s more recent past, has made Berlin a vibrant metropolis where remnants of the past visibly mix with bedrocks of modernity.


Freie Universität Berlin is one of Germany's premier institutions of higher education. Founded in 1948 by students, scholars, and scientists with the support of the American allied forces and politicians in Berlin, the university nowadays holds an enrollment rate of circa 32,000 students. Freie Universität Berlin is ranked nationally and internationally among the top research universities in Germany. Learn more about the Berlin program.



Image: Koblenz


Group Picture at FountainThe program in Rome, Italy is run through John Cabot University.  All courses (except Italian) are taught in English.  One Italian language course is required along with four other courses.  Students may also use other Italian courses toward Loyola's Italian Studies Minor. Students live in apartments in the city of Rome. The cost is equivalent to Loyola's tuition and housing, plus other fees.  Students are eligible for consideration for all forms of federal, state, institutional and private sources of aid, except the federal work-study program.

For more information you can visit the Rome page on the Office of International Programs website.

Image: Rome


Loyola has an exchange program at Kansai Gaidai University for a single term or for one year in Hirakata City, Japan (near Kyoto). All courses are taught in English. Students live with a Japanese family or in dorms with other internationals. Japanese language background is not a prerequisite, however, it must be taken while abroad. Learn more about this exchange program.


Monument in Buenos AiresThe Buenos Aires exchange program runs from February to July (our Spring Semester) and then from June to November (our Fall Semester). This is a single-term or one-year program for most majors at the Universidad del Salvador in Buenos Aires, Argentina (not to be confused with El Salvador, the Central American country). Students must have successfully completed SN201 Composition and Conversation and SN 203 Introduction to Reading Literature at Loyola since all courses are taught in Spanish and Loyola students are integrated with native Argentines. A month-long intensive Spanish language and culture course is offered before the start of each term.  Students will receive an additional 6.0 credits of 200-level Spanish for this intensive course.  Housing is off campus with host families, Argentine students, or other internationals. Loyola scholarships are transferable. Students generally earn 18 credits which can count toward a major in Spanish as well as a minor in Latin American and Latino Studies. Learn more about the Buenos Aires program.

Loyola has a center in the city of Alcalá de Henares, which is located 30-km northeast of Madrid, Spain. It was the home of Miguel de Cervantes and St. Ignatius of Loyola. Loyola's Spanish program at the University of Alcalá is a one-semester, fall term program that runs from September to December. The program is best designed for Spanish majors and minors, and intermediate Spanish is a prerequisite. It can also serve international business and English majors. Loyola students going to Alcalá stay formally enrolled at Loyola paying the regular tuition, housing, and comprehensive fee. All Loyola financial aid, except work-study, is applicable to this program. The program includes one round-trip airfare, tuition, housing, food, insurance and medical fees, a director, trips, and special activities. Spanish majors can earn as many as 18 credits. Contact Ms. Lindsay Quadara in International Programs for more information on study abroad in Spain.  Loyola also offers a separate program in Alcalá de Henares in the Spring term, in English and Spanish, open to Spanish minors with a major in Business.  Spanish majors and other Spanish minors must attend the Fall program, in Spanish only. Learn more about the Alcalá de Henares program.

Loyola has an exchange program with the Jesuit Universidad Alberto Hurtado in Santiago de Chile, a city of four million habitants.  Classes run from January to July with a vacation in February (the middle of the summer in Chile).  Students are strongly encouraged to participate in the 6.0 credit course Pobreza y Desarollo (Poverty and Development) which includes a strong service-learning component, and direct involvement with the local community.  Courses are taught in Spanish with a mix of Chilean and international students.  Loyola scholarships are transferable. Students generally earn 18 credits which can count toward a major in Spanish as well as a minor in Latin American and Latino Studies. Completion of the SN 201 is required for the program, and SN 203 is strongly recommended to apply to this program. Learn more about the Santiago de Chile program. 

Image: Buenos Aires