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Spectrum in rainbow colorsSpectrum at 麻豆精选 is an all-inclusive group for LGBTQ students and their allies. Whether you are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, pansexual, questioning, or anything else in the LGBTQ+ alphabet soup, Spectrum has something for you!

Throughout the year, Spectrum offers a number of social gatherings, outreach services, educational events, and community advocacy programs. To find out more, feel free to explore our website or contact the club officers or moderators. You can also subscribe to our mailing list in order to receive news and updates on Spectrum鈥檚 latest events.


Spectrum is an all-inclusive group founded in the Jesuit tradition of 鈥減eople for and with others鈥. It fosters open and honest discussion about the diverse issues surrounding sexual orientation and sexual minorities and does so with an educative intent. Spectrum hopes to impact the college community so that homophobia and hatred are replaced by understanding, acceptance, and inclusiveness, and desires to see at Loyola a world of appreciation that benefits each and every human life.

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