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Climate Action

Loyola recognizes the important role of higher education institutions to shape a sustainable future for all. As a justice driven Jesuit institution Â鶹¾«Ñ¡ is committed to acting on climate change.

The Rev. Brian F. Linnane, S.J., now president emeritus, demonstrated this commitment by signing the Catholic Climate Covenant's St. Francis Pledge to Care for Creation and the Poor and the President’s Carbon Commitment in 2015. As a signatory, Loyola committed to developing institutional structures and long term strategies to reduce our carbon footprint to achieve carbon neutrality and engage our community in action on climate change.

Climate Action Updates 

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Strategy 1A: The Energy Committee successfully conducted an AHREA Level II Energy Audit to determine high impact energy conservation projects across campus and an RFP is being developed to implement identified energy conservation measures (2021).

Strategy 1A: The Sustainability Committee is drafting a Green Building Policy to ensure all campus construction follows the USGBC LEED framework for sustainable buildings (2021). 

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Strategy 3C: Loyola Sustainability secured grant funds to implement a zero waste events program and the Sustainability Committee is developing a Zero Waste Plan to guide a comprehensive and justice driven waste reduction and recycling strategy (2020). 

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Strategy 4A: Energy Revolving Fund established by Business and Finance Division to divert funds generated by energy savings projects into additional sustainable infrastructure (2020).

Loyola's Carbon Footprint

Baseline 2015 Green House Gas Inventory


Loyola's carbon footprint data

Climate Action Plan

The Â鶹¾«Ñ¡ Climate Action Plan is our roadmap to reduce our carbon footprint and act on climate change.  The plan was developed over two years by the Sustainability Committee, various subcommittees and stakeholders from across campus. The plan outlines strategies and goals which will guide the university on an actionable path to reduce our carbon footprint and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. The Climate Action Plan is intended to evolve with ever-changing opportunities to act on climate change at Loyola, locally and globally.

Carbon Neutrality

Achieve carbon neutrality by 2050

Reduce energy consumption 20% by 2030

Invest in 50% renewable energy by 2030

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Goal 1: Save Energy

Strategy A: Improve Our Buildings

Audit and track high energy consuming buildings to implement impactful energy savings projects, purchase Energy Star equipment, and strive for LEED Gold for new construction.

Strategy B: Invest in Renewable Energy

Integrate renewable or renewable ready infrastructure into new construction and invest in both on campus and off campus renewables.

Strategy C: Energy Engagement

Host climate action awareness week annually and publicize utilities data to campus community.

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Goal 2: Travel Lighter

Strategy A: Green Our Commutes

Better understand commuting patterns, support alternative commuters, enhance pedestrian experience and support the availability of public transit in Baltimore.

Strategy B: Offset Flights

Encourage local professional development opportunities and video conferencing and develop a local carbon offset program to offset emissions generated by campus flights.  


Strategy C: Purchase Alternative Vehicles

Centralize vehicle purchasing and develop standardized vehicle purchasing guidelines which prioritizes fuel efficient, electric and hybrid vehicles.

Climate Change Education

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Goal 3: Engage All Levels of the University

Strategy A: Teach Sustainability Across the Curriculum

Create resource bank for sustainability and climate change modules, establish a sustainability course requirement, introduce academic programs which support environmental learning and expand the environmental studies minor into a major.

Strategy B: Reimagine the Campus Landscape

Expand the role of the campus landscape to support native biodiversity, protect the local ecosystem and inspire environmental stewardship by investigating advanced storm water management techniques and enhancing the visibility and academic use of the Loyola Arboretum and community garden.

Strategy C: Reduce Waste

Develop a Zero Waste Plan to standardize recycling and waste operations across campus and engage the Loyola community in waste reduction and proper sorting at campus events and orientations.

Strategy D: Sustainable Purchasing

Develop sustainable procurement language to ensure purchased goods and services align the university's commitment to sustainability.


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Goal 4: Sustain Climate Action

Strategy A: Finance Climate Action

Establish a Revolving Energy Fund, incorporate energy reduction goals into capital requests, investigate giving opportunities for scholarships and projects and develop funding source for Scope 3 emissions.

Strategy B: Communicate Climate Action

Host the Climate Action Plan as a living and evolving document on the Sustainability website with clear action items for stakeholders and communications for the campus community.   

Strategy C: Track and Update Progress

Track and report carbon footprint to Second Nature annually and update the Climate Action Plan at least every three years.

View the full Climate Action Plan

Climate Action Plan Download (PDF)

Additional Resources