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M.Ed in Literacy - Literacy Teacher for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Populations

The M.Ed. in Literacy for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Populations is a 30-credit fully online synchronous program designed for experienced classroom teachers who wish to develop a strong foundation in teaching English to multilingual learners and the development of leadership skills. In this program you will be prepared to meet the needs of multilingual learners and assume leadership positions in your school. This program is designed for the licensed teacher who wishes to be additionally licensed by the Maryland State Department of Education as an ESOL Specialist based on and aligned to the TESOL International Association standards.

Program Overview

  • Credits: 30
  • Delivery: 100% Online
  • Next Admission Term: Summer 2025
  • Class Duration: 8 weeks
  • Format: Part-time
  • Time of Completion: As little as 2 years*
  • Tuition Information


  • Bachelor’s degree
  • 3.0 GPA Cumulative
  • Licensed as a teacher

Degree Requirements

  • Complete 30 credits of coursework
  • Maintain 3.0 QPA average
  • Take and pass PRAXIS II – ESOL #5362 with a passing score of 163 or higher

Candidates typically complete courses in the order listed below:

Literacy Core (18 credits)
RE 510 Foundations of Literacy Curriculum and Instruction  (3)
RE 520 Principles and Practices of Teaching Reading (3)
RE 603 Language, Literacy, and Culture (3)
RE 605 Principles and Practices of Teaching Writing (3)
RE 610 Disciplinary and Digital Literacies (3)
RE 737 Literacy Assessment I (3)
Teaching CLD Learners Track (12 credits)
RE 540 Linguistics for Teachers of Language and Literacy (3)
RE 602 Second Language Development: Theory and Practice (3)
RE 604 Methods for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (3)
RE 606 Assessment in Bilingual and Second Language Education (3)


  • We focus on literacy as a social justice issue and right for all people.
  • We develop reflexive practitioners who serve as curricular experts, advocates, and literacy leaders in their communities.
  • We offer rich field experiences supporting culturally and linguistically diverse students.

The program is designed to be completed in 5 semesters – taking two courses per semester. You will take one course each eight weeks consecutively on one night per week through four school year semesters (falls and springs) and one summer semester.

You have up to five years to complete the degree.

Upon completion of this program, you will be able to:

  1. Obtain a M.Ed. in Literacy Education
  2. Receive the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE)  ESOL endorsement upon passing the ESOL English to Speakers of the Other Languages Praxis II #5362 exam.



Ready to learn more?

Explore the following links or contact us at education@loyola.edu or 410-617-2990.